Mariposa Rain

November 15th, 2007

Storm Brewing“Don’t know why there’s no sun up in the sky….

However, my MAN and I are very together… 32 years.

We both love thunder and lightning storms. In SB, there are almost none so when we are in Mariposa we just love anything but sunshine. Great childhood memories for both of us east coasters.

There is great comfort lying in bed listening to the rain on the roof and drifting off to sleep. It’s actually fun to be awakened in the middle of the night by a huge clap of thunder plus the lightning strikes that light up the darkest of rooms.

During the day, it’s fun to be inside cooking up something like homemade chicken soup.
The rain splats on the windows and they get steamed up from the cooking. Someone is always ‘on guard’ near a window to announce the seconds between lightning and the thunder that will follow. All the warnings from your parents come back:

“Do Not Iron. Turn off the TV and pull out the plug. Don’t stand under a tree if you are outside.”

Today, it is “Turn off the computer. Don’t go near the microwave. Don’t use your telephone or your cell phone.”


October 29, 2007 we were on our last day of 5 photographing in Yosemite and the weather was a glorious FALL the entire time. (Thanks to the wonderful seasonal weather like snow, rain and sunshine.) Only when we began packing to go home did the great storm begin.
Gleeful storm troopers, we were not concerned as we knew it would be brief, loud, satisfying and then the sun would return. Then we could pack the car.

Chuck went out with his camera and was able to capture the two snaps here. They made a big hit on our email circuit so I thought I’d better share with our visitors here as well.

And now……..back in SB, we hear the natives chanting…
“Rain, Rain, go away.. Come again some other day.”


Then they wonder why there is a drought!!