
'Magical Light Photography' is the husband and wife team of Chuck Cagara and Marie Taylor-Cagara.

Based in Santa Barbara and Mariposa/Yosemite, California they enjoy traveling and photographing the abundant beauty of the natural world, its scenery, creatures and people.

Both are members of the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) and available for assignment.

Additionally, Chuck has held a 'Commercial Cameraman' card from I.A.T.S.E. and in the future will expect to add excerpts to the site showcasing new work in the exciting realm of wide-screen high-definition video.

The Magical Light Photography web site is new and evolving, a 'work-in-progress' as it were, so please visit regularly as photos, news, and especially Marie's interesting and whimsical 'Musings' blog will be continually fresh and changing.

Thanks for visiting and come back soon!

P.S. - As regards their travels Chuck likes to say, "If man were meant to fly he'd have been born with tickets!"



Marie is not as patient as Chuck when it involves rising before dawn in 20-degree weather to wait for the “magical light” to work its magic. And – she has a personality much more suited to interacting with people than does her curmudgeonly husband!

Thus, she is now open for portrait business with her own “magical lights” at your location or ours. Ladies (and even you vain fellows) take note: add her superb retouching skills in the digital darkroom and Marie will give you a flattering “face lift” that will remain your own little secret.

Executive, family, business or pleasure. Pets, too! Oh, and did we mention Kids!?

Call or e-mail information@magicallightphotography.com for particulars on pricing and sitting.